Nobody really cares about spellings while chatting..and I suppose forums have to be as flexible as chats..
The question of what happens after death bother everybody..religion does give an idea of what is to come..
1. Humans did not evolve..if they did then the concept of soul does not hold..and life and death are mere occurences and nothing really happens after death except decomposition.
2. If human beings are a special creation then it is most Probably (and it is by christian and Islamic standards) true that Adam and eve were the first to land on earth along with Satan. Now if this is true then Heaven and Hell exist.
Now comes the question who goes to heaven and who goes to hell. There is no doubt that people doing good deeds will go to heaven and people doing bad sins go to hell. The time bad people spend in hell would be directly proportional to the gravity of their sins. But evil doers will eventually land up in heaven after their term in hell as I am sure God is very merciful.
Now comes the question of standards..what is a sin and what is not. Who defines what is right and what is not? Human beings I think and believe are simple beings..unable to comprehend a lot of things happening around them...They surely need some guidance..Who will give the guidance? and when?
We all know most products we buy have an operation manual..i.e. what is right or acceptable performance of that product and what is wrong or harmful to the product..We need to find that operating manual to understand what is right and wrong.
Again who will give the guidance? GOD of the engineer of the product called Human Being God will surely provide the proper Guidance. Now the widely accepted guide books throughout the world are Torah, Bible and The the same chronological order..Only the Quran accepts that the books Torah and Bible are divine revelations. So it is for us humans to investigate these books The Torah, The Bible and The QUran..thouroughly and only those version that are far as my knowledge goes only Quran has retained its original form in both Language as well as meaning..others might contest this but it is a verifiable fact..also Bible and Torah were revealed in languages that are no longer in regular use these days....So in the end I wud like to conclude..THERE IS LIFE AFTER DEATH.!!
Sinners according to the best Guide Book (read Quran) will go to hell and Pious will go the heaven...After all this blabber that I have conveyed to you I can only say one thing GOD KNOWS BEST!! and MAY GOD Guide us.
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