This Blawg starts with the following assumption:
God and Satan Exist and God is in control of all things and satan works in a direction opposite to God. Putting it generally God does Good and Satan Bad.
The Blawg:
I was coming home from Office. I work night shifts and it is around
I must be very happy driving back Home for two reasons
1. I am going to my home...
2. I am driving on such empty roads that the driving experience in itself is worth undertaking more often than not.
I am not very HAPPY...The reasons follow.
When I am coming back.. there are many people asking for lifts. I am generally give lifts 75 % of the time, but that is during morning times. But I realized after a few night ridings later that this ratio does not apply to night drives. The rates fall drastically and hover around 5 %. I am worried. Here come God and satan.
IN the event of denying a person a lift I think I am putting more trust in the activities of Satan than in the mercy of God. I am somehow sceptical to give the lift to an unknown person at such an ungainly hour. I fear the occurance of a mishap more thus not totally trusting God.
That said, i try to justify myself saying to myself, "well, I guess maybe God wanted me not to give a lift to such a person!" so there is a slight confusion there. One thing is for sure. The person asking for a lift at that time needs it more than a person asking at a normal daylight hour who has a better chance of getting a lift. But then, drunkards and miscreants generally stroll out at night..without any business...This leads to my second reason of not being happy
There are too many poor people in Hyderabad, who sleep on the roadside footpaths and dividers.
Next time I will count the number of people sleeping on the roadside..X and then multiply this X with Y a factor to arrive at total number of people sleeping on roads in Hyderabad. I woould like anybody to suggest how I go about deciding this Y factor.
I would also like input on whether I should give lfits more often than now?
It still bothers me. I am not giving lifts. I feel safer not giving them. But I think it is totally dependent on factors such as area where the person is asking a lift.. Is he drunk or not? Is he genuine? Is he safe? All these questions are decided at a moments spur. So i can peacefully close this blog praying to God to give me better abilities to decide whether to give lifts or not.
(3:54 a.m. - 1-06-2005)
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