Saturday, August 05, 2006

Jeanie Experience

Recently I was thinking about my experiences with Jeans. Good and Bad. Then the time wheel started spinning and I went back to my first ever jeans that I could remember. And I realized the event should figure on the goes..

It was a Sunday. I was maybe 6 years old. We were out visiting a few family friends. It was an experience to remember. they lived in the Tallest building in the city at that time..and that building had LIFTS!!! Wooohoo..I'd never had a chance to ride a lift. I got it in and my dad pressed all those hi-fi looking buttons on the panel and the first minor G-force was experienced.

That ride lasted only few floors as the friends lived only on the third floor..soon everyone greeted themselves and were busy doing whatever that people of that age do when they meet. No interest for a 6 year old. There was noone my age. I went to the balcony and was looking out at the sunday traffic.

Then I was given something to drink. As a natural reaction I felt the need to attend to a nature call. Poor little me had a very small volume (storing capacity) then.

I got into the restroom. went to the potty and started to let the zip down. Oh Yeah I was wearing my One and Only Jeans because it was Sunday and I did not have school. The Zip wouldn't come down!!!

I struggle with it as Gollum did with the Elven rope in Lord of the Rings..(oh u must see the graphics..amazing). But no graphics in the restroom.. I start struggling harder to unzip. Like a man reaching out for breath when drowning in a clear pond..then the inevitable happens..Too MUCH struggle and the muscles contracted and my storage hold Broke...right my jeans!!!

I was shocked. I went and squeaked for my mom to come. She came in and laughed like anything. somehow she removed the jeans. I do not remember exactly how but she was stronger than me then..I was in tears unable to bear the embarassment. Ha Ha Ha. Then when I was half naked the uncle who lived there gave me the youngest person's shorts, for me to wear. It was like a huge bag. After that everything got too hazy..maybe it was the tears maybe something else..

Thats what I remembered the best in my experiences with Jeans. Hope you enjoyed it.

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